The Criminally Fun Vegetable is Back in Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

In the comedic-adventure with roguelike elements, the turnip is steaming up with the Pickled Gang to rob the Botanical Bank. In the bank, he’ll be shaking down hostages, stealing precious valuables, and exploring the deep dark depths and the history of the bank.

But before the law-breaking fun, the root vegetable will need to purchase tools from the dark web like a diamond pickaxe, C4, and even a radio jammer.

While you might be prepared, robbing the bank won’t be easy as turnip and his friends will shoot it out with security guards, police, and elite veggie swat teams.

During play, you can earn collectable hats to wear and cassettes with great track to play while you’re committing crimes.

You can play in 4:3 like the original game or in full screen.

To make sure the game is accessible for gamers of any age and ability, there are a number of settings in the game you can change. You can select from four enemy outline and interact outline colors. There is also a God mode and the ability to use an auto-aim or aim laster to help you in fights.

Designed for the iPhone and all iPad models, Turnip Boy Robs a Bank is a $5.99 download now on the App Store.

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